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- [Replacement] Newsletter: This one's a bit personal...
[Replacement] Newsletter: This one's a bit personal...

Good morning and Happy Memorial Day. A special thank you and well wishes to all the many veterans and their family members as we take time out of our days to remember those who gave it all for our freedom.
First, you did not miss Newsletter #6 on Saturday in your inbox. I’ll explain:
This past week was a whirlwind of family events, advisor client needs, and unexpected life happenings… it was chaotic & manifested in actual physical maladys. Unsustainable.
As members, you deserve the highest quality content I can deliver to help your business acumen. I did not want to put out a sub-par newsletter, as I was unable to put in the necessary focus on it.
For that, I apologize.
Life happens, and I appreciate your understanding… and greatly thank you for your grace.
Newsletter #6 will hit your inboxes this upcoming Saturday morning where we’ll continue the Business Plan series, wrap up the Legal Entity series, and learn about income statements.
But, I did not want to leave you empty handed for this past week.
So, this newsletter does have a tool, that I hope some of you can find helpful.
→ Creating a vision and a plan to achieve it.
A Bit Of Background
In 2019, after 10 years of managing ag retail locations and starting a couple businesses, I decided to go to Law School. That was a significant sacrifice for my wife and (then) 2 daughters. (We now have 3 beautiful girls)
I graduated last May and sat for the Bar Exam (need to pass to become a licensed attorney) in July.
There’s essentially three parts to the Bar Exam, and I passed 1/3 in July. So, I had to retake it in February. (It’s only offered twice a year)
Well, I passed a second portion of the Exam in February, but missed passing the multiple choice portion by 4/200 points… I was pretty demoralized.
I wasn’t sure I even wanted to attempt it a third time, but after licking my wounds & diving head first into Agri-Business Braintrust work, I found great encouragement from my wife & other family members.
So, I decided to apply myself and overcome those measly 4 points I missed passing the exam by.
The decision: I’m retaking the final portion (it’s called the MBE) of the Bar Exam in July.
Now, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. That’s why I needed to take time and evaluate what I did before, and what I will change for this attempt.
With inspiration from this video by Jordan B. Peterson & Dave Ramsey, I knew I needed to create:
A Vision
Breakdown The Steps To Achieve The Vision
The Document
I took my knowledge of goal setting & outlining objectives and paired it with this idea of creating a vision. I put those into some type of weird, hybrid Google doc that I have yet to create a catchy name for.
Here’s the results, and how I am going to use this document to pass the bar exam:

Here’s the Google doc if you want to save a copy & use it for your own vision plan:
Again, thank you for all you early supporters. This exercise really helped clarify my objectives and how I need to accomplish them.
Next up for me — do this exercise for The Agri-Business Braintrust so I can ramp up all the usefulness I know this community can provide one another.
Let me know any questions, comments, or concerns you have.
Appreciate all of you.
DISCLAIMER: All content, communications, and resources provided by Agri-Business Braintrust, its principals, operators, or members is intended to merely be educational and entertaining. Nothing published by Agri-Business Braintrust should be relied on as legal, financial, investment, or other professional advice. Investments and legal matters involve substantial risk and are not suitable for all individuals. It is recommended to enter into a client relationship with an ESP for obtaining professional advice.